Thursday, March 22, 2012

My new jam!

I love this song!!!!!!


5 Spring Break must haves!

So spring break is coming soon and so is warmness! Here are some really cool new things that are really cute for spring and summer!

1. Sea Salt Spray
Sea salt spray will give you REALLY really cute waves! You just spray it on your hair and it makes it wavy and cute! Just like you came back from the beach :)

Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray
It's the cheapest one i could find! All the others were like 12 or 20 dollars! That's nuts! This one is $6

2. Coral or Peach lip gloss
Coral and peach lip gloss is really really cute! It's really natural and cute and i love it!

XXXL Shine Lipgloss from Essence in Sparkling Papaya

3. Bronzer
Bronzer is a really cool way to get a nice tan look without the sun, or lights, or spray. It's great to enhance your cheekbones too :)

Rimmel Natural Bronzer in Sun Dance

4. Springy Body Mist!
I love love LOVE body mists from Bath and Body Works. My favorite scent is Pink Chiffon :)

Pink Chiffon Fragrence Mist

5. Good Smelling Body Scrubs!
I love body scrubs! They are awesome!!!!!

White Citrus Body Scrub


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Updated Everyday Makeup PLUS Skin care and Hair Care!

Ok so a little while ago i posted my everyday makeup and some things have changed since then so here is my updated version!

Covergirl Clean Foundation for Sensitive Skin in Ivory

Covergirl Professional Remarkable Washable Waterproof Mascara in Black/Brown

e.l.f liquid eyeliner (from the dollar store!!)

Essence Forget It 3 in 1 concealer


Liplicious by Bath and Body Works Pink Chiffon Lip Gloss (my favorite EVER!!!)

And for my perfume I use:

Bath and Body Works Fine Fregrance Mist in (you wouldn't have guessed!) Pink Chiffon!

As for hand lotion I use
(NO WAY!) Bath and Body Works Lotion in (dun dun dun....) PINK CHIFFON!

I'm kind of obsessed with the scent Pink Chiffon!!

For my skin care I use:

Aquaphor Healing Ointment (for any dry spots that you have on your skin. you can use it pretty much anywhere you have a dry spot. THIS WORKS LIKE A CHARM!!! If you put it on before bed when you wake up the dry patch will be gone! WHOOSH!) haha

Noxzema Face Wash (After you wash your face your skin will be EXTREAMILY soft! I highly reccomend this!)

For hair products I use:

Herbal Essences Touchably Smooth Mousse (sorry i couldnt find a picture)

TRESemme Hairspray


Saturday, March 3, 2012